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About Us

Focusing On What Really Matters

Hey there! Thank you for checking us out. With more than 4 years of professional experience in the hospitality business we decided to come up with an honest, ethical, eco-friendly and pet-friendly approach to the house & commercial cleaning business. PrimeClean - Luxury Cleaning Services was a thoughtfully chosen name for this company as that's exactly what you should expect from us. We set ourselves apart from the rest by not being like them. WOW, that was a bold statement, I know... But it is the truth, we found the solution to elevate the cleaning experience by genuinely caring about the work we do and how we do it. We elevated the cleaning experience so there's really no one at our level, and we can say it with pure confidence. This company wasn't created for those looking for the cheapest thing in the market. It's not meant for those who don't care about the process and the integrity of a business. As we say, you get what you pay for, and (spoiler alert) the way those companies do anything, it's how they do everything (keep that in mind). But don't be alarmed, we count with many custom services that can adapt to your needs and budget at the same time. With a vast and comprehensive list of services we can state with confidence that you'll be 100% satisfied. Our highly trained (and well cared for) team has all the tools and knowledge to provide the highest quality service. We believe in love, honesty, dignity and respect. We take good care of our employees so that our employees can take good care of you, and you'll feel that love and work ethic through their performance and commitment. If you are here, it's because you, just like us, believe that a service MUST be ethically sourced, you believe that no worker should be used and abused, you believe that our pets' safety matter and you also believe our Planet needs us just as much as we need it. If you don't care about an ethical approach in an industry that stands out for their unethical and toxic patterns, this company may not be for you, but if you're down for the ride, if you think there's always space for improvement, if you believe we can do better and be better... we'll be happy to show you that the grass is greener on the other side!

Our Story

Everyone has a story and so do we! This company was built with love by caring people whose purpose is to provide the best cleaning service in the industry without losing our sense of humanity. After working in the hospitality business for years we experienced first-hand the atrocities behind the scenes: poor management, employee abuse, toxic products and careless procedures that affected the integrity of the service. We identified all of those mishaps and unethical practices that are often found in the cleaning industry and found an ethical approach to rectify them. This company was built with love and hope of a better future, maybe if we take the first step, others will follow, maybe if we care, we'll attract others who also care, maybe and only maybe there's still a chance to do things the right way. Our team it's not imaginary, it doesn't show up just for the picture, they are out there trying to make a difference, a meaningful impact. We are the change we want to see in the World, and we can't wait for you to join us!

Meet The Team

​Where Cleanliness Meets Perfection

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Blue on white spray bottle
Team Building
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